Tuesday, January 30, 2007

If Only! :)

If only! That is the question for today's top ten! If only I had more "money" - what would I spend it on??!! Upon first reading this question, I thought, "oh, yeah, easy, baby!" However, when I sat down to actually think about my answers - it was a bit harder than I originally figured it would be! I thought to myself, "well, a fabulous, new house and a dream car would be nice!' that what I would "truly" spend more money on?! I decided to think on a much larger scale - like if I had "lots" of extra money - let's say "money like the stars have," then what would I do with it? Well, what do I "think" I would do with it? :) Here is the list I came up with! Enjoy! :))

1) Hair stylist! I would LOVE to have someone fix my hair for me EVERY DAY!!!!! :) I remember talking about this when I was younger! If I could buy anything, this is what I'd get! First off, your hair would always look great and second, it is a nice feeling when someone fixes your hair! :)
2) Cook! Oh, yeah!!!!!!! I would LOVE to have someone fix dinner for my family and myself! Nice, big, nutritious meals that would be yummy and give me more time to do other things! :)
3) Maid! Speaking of more time to do other things! This would certainly help!!!! WooHoo! I would definately pay for someone else to "clean" for me! This includes laundry as well, of course! :)
4) Personal Trainer! :) This is something else I have always said I would like to have! I would have someone that I answer too! It would be harder to eat that bowl of chips or have one more Dr. Pepper! I would have to answer to my trainer! And that would be scary and, definately, NOT worth the short-lived thrill of sweets! :)
5) Photography Studio! This would be my ULTIMATE DREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would absolutely LOVE to have a little studio to call my own! Hey, maybe, this dream could come true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
6) Interior Decorator! I think it would be sooooo neat to have someone come in and decorate my home for me! Or, at least, give me some ideas!!!!!! :) I need "Trading Spaces" to come and re-do my whole house! :)
7) Adopt a Child! I would truly be interested in looking into this! Mark's sister adopted her two children (she couldn't have her own). This opened up my eyes to adoption and what it is about! Also, Heid's ex was adopted as an infant as well. I would be open to different nationalities as well. I would love to give a home to a child that needs it! Maybe, just maybe, this could be a dream that could one day happen! :) I would like that!
8) Help the Homeless! I would love to be able to help those who have hit a bump in the road! It can happen so quickly and so many people out there just need a little help getting on their feet again! This would make me feel so good! :)
9) Travel! I would love to be able to afford travelling! I want to go to Africa, especially! I would love for it to be a family thing and we all go visit lots of places! :)
10) Money for my kids! I hope my kids never have to go without! Important things that is! I want to be able to provide for them and then some! :)

So...........there is my top ten list! :) Like I said - it was much harder than I thought it would be! And I WOULD love a new house and a new car, etc. But that is so ordinary! I wanted to think outside of the box! If I had LOTS of extra money! :) If only!!!!!! :)


Miranda said...

Great list. I totally agree w/ your choices! We'll all have to share Eduardo I guess...(see Amy's blog) LOL

Carrie said...

great list...I would love to have a hair stylist and a cook and a maid and a trainer...

carleta said...

Great List!!! I agree.... definitely a maid and cook and of course the trainer... Because if I'm not cleaning or cooking I would just sit around and get fat so.... definitely a trainer. LOL...

Amy said...

I would love to have a maid and a cook too! I just don't have enough time to keep the house as clean as I'd like it...and a cook to fix me healthy, delicious meals would be great! Carleta is right though... cleaning is usually my only form of "exercise" on Saturday mornings!