Monday, March 05, 2007

Top Ten Game Shows!

This is gonna be short and sweet! I know - a first for me!!!!!!! :)) You have to see it to believe it! :)) LOL!
My favorite game shows of all time:

1)Lingo - It's not just letters, it's lingo!
2)Family Feud - Survey Says!
3)Match Game
4)Wheel of Fortune
5)The Price is Right - Come on down!
6)I've Got a Secret
7)To Tell the Truth
9)1 vs. 100 (Bob Saget is a good host)!

Those are my top nine - there are lots more game shows that I have enjoyed, but not enough to be on the top ten! These nine I truly watch and would still watch. I don't feel as faithful to any others, so didn't think it would be fair to list them! :) I think Wheel of Fortune and Lingo are my two favorite at this point in time!
Isn't TV great??!! You gotta love it!!! It gets your mind a goin'!!!!!! :)


Miranda said...

Well, you've stumped me...I have no idea what Lingo is. I feel stupid!
But, love the rest of your list!! LOL.

1 vs. 100 is really good, but I never seem to be home on Friday nights to watch it. LOL...I have SUCH a social life and everything!!

CissaLynn said...

Lingo is on the GSN (game show network). It comes on at 7 and 7:30. I don't get to watch it very often, but it is good. You will have to check it out sometime. Basically, there are two teams w/two teammates. You get 5 tries to figure out a word - they give you the first letter. For example, they might give you a "T" and you have to guess what word that "T" stands for. Oh, and each word is consists of only "5" letters total. So, "T" could be "torch" or "tough", etc. They give you hints like if you have a letter correct, but it is in the wrong place.
That is a short and sweet explanation. Boy, I am getting good at short and sweet! LOL! :)

Amy said...

Lingo is great! I miss having the Game Show Network! I watched it a lot when we lived at our old house! BTW, I like the Five on Friday idea! I like the lists, and I think they're fun.

Miranda said...

I don't get the game show network, therefore, am deprived of the latest greatest shows.

5 Fridays sound fun. You might have to take over permanently anyway b/c I'm running out of list ideas. lol