Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Oh, Man!!!!!

Well, today was my 6 month dentist appt.!!! Bad news, tho, I have NO STORY!!!!!!!! :(
Sooooo sad!!!!! Mr. Friggin' Good Lookin' was there, but nothing funny or interesting to tell! I was a little disappointed myself b/c it has just become "habit" for something funny to happen there! :) Oh Well!
I do have some news, tho. It was Jacob's 1st dentist appt. today! I got my teeth done at the same time as Jackson. Little Jake went back and forth watching Jack and me get our teeth cleaned. When it was Jake's turn, he did soooooooooo good!!!!!! We are proud of him b/c earlier today he kept saying he didn't want to go! But, later this afternoon, after talking about it frequently, he decided that it might not be so bad! I think watching his big brother and me get our cleaning definately helped! I remember taking Jackson when he was little. He just got to watch mommy get her teeth cleaned before he went. Poor guy! Being the 1st kid is hard. I think it was nicer for Jacob to not only have "mommy" to watch, but big brother Jackson, too! Anyway, Jacob did real well and we are proud of him! He doesn't always deal w/change the easiest, so when he does something big, like the dentist, it feels like such an accomplishment! Especially when he does it willingly! You go, Jacob!!!!!!!!! :))
For the record, Jackson did good, too! But, I guess, it is more expected of him! Again, poor guy! He needs some credit, too!!!! :) Gooooooo, Jackson! You are a great example for your little brother!!!! :)
Lastly, before ending, I must say....................each birth order can be hard. I only mentioned the first b/c for 1)we were talking about Jackson and he is the first and 2)I was the first, so, of course, I think it was hard and 3)I always wished I had an older brother or sister b/c 4)the first has already paved the way for the rest. We, at the very least, carved a tunnel for the "others" to go through. And...........carving that tunnel was hard work!!!!!!! ROFL! Our siblings surely benefited from that pathway being there. Oh, and we also found "lights" for that tunnel for the others. I mean, the tunnel would be completely dark if we hadn't! LOL! :) It is like "we" firstborns were "guinea pigs"!!!!!!! LOLOLOLOL!!!!!! So, no matter how hard the "others" had it.....................try being here first!!!!!!!!!! It isn't all it's cracked up to be! Yes, you are number one to do everything, but that glorification doesn't last long and then it's back to testing! LOL!!!!!!! I am gonna start calling Jackson my "guinea pig!" Too funny!!!!! :) You all know I'm just rambling 'cause I have nothing else to say!!!!!!! Oh well. Great job Jackson and Jacob at the dentist!!!!!!!!!! :) And if anyone is interested, there is a birth order book written by Kevin Lehman! It is really good and describes each birth order and why you are the way you are! If you like to read, it is very interesting! :)
Peace Out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)


Miranda said...

Speaking of birth order, I just want to say, the middle child is often overlooked and forgotten, but OH SO VERY SPECIAL!!!!! ;))

Amy said...

What does it say about only children?? :) I know, I know, we might be a little bit spoiled!

I am glad that the boys did so well with the dentist. I go at the end of this month for a cleaning, and Jenna is going with me to watch, and hopefully she will let the dentist at least look in her mouth for a quick check-up. I know I used to hate the dentist, and I hope she isn't like I used to be!