Okay! I have already been reading everyone else's top ten which seems a little like cheating! So, I am gonna try and not copy and think of my own (which is going to be so hard 'cause I just never have any non-flattering moments)! Seriously! :) LOL! My life is one great big EMBARASSING MOMENT!!!!!!! LOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!! I have already mentioned "several" examples in previous blogs, so if you haven't checked my archive, please do! If nothing else, I will provide you w/a lot of laughter and tears (from laughing so hard)! :) So................here goes my top ten embarassing moments of my life! Enjoy! :)
1) Walking into men's restrooms! Not once, not twice, but MANY times this has happened! I am, either, totally NOT observant! Or, I must be doing it - subconsciously - on purpose! LOL! I totally walked into the men's restroom (when the church youth went to see Tecumseh) and had NO IDEA I DID until I am standing there looking at the urinals! And, even then, I am thinking what are "urinals" doing in the women's restroom???!!! When I finally realize, oh, my mistake, I look around at all of the men and pleasantly announce, "I am in the men's restroom!" Duh!!!!!! I also repeated this scenerio just last year at the Chillicothe Wal-Mart. I had Jacob in the cart and I have to use the potty. So...........I not only walk into the men's restroom, but I wheel the whole cart in there (Jake and all) with me, too! And you have to turn the cart "3" different ways to get in there and then "3" different ways to get back out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All I could think was................."not again!" LOLOLOL!!!!!!! :)
2)Revolving Doors! When I first started working at Nationwide Insurance I was about 21 yrs. old. I worked in the financial department as a clerk (secretary) with a lot of well-to-do people! Now............we all can agree that "I" am NOT well-to-do! :) I mean, come on, even if I was "well-to-do," I wouldn't dress or act that way! I just don't think it is in me! So...........a real nice gal named Brenda befriended me! Btw, I will always remember and love her for that! So...................Brenda was very tall, very blonde, very smart and very beautiful! She had money, she came from money and she knew money! I will refer to her as "Trump!" Trump never wore the same outfit twice! And the outfits Trump did wear were "fabulous, darling, simply fabulous!" For some unknown reason - probably pitty - Trump took me under her wing! So.........I have just started my first week and Trump takes me out to eat. Very nice! We come back to the building and come in a different way than usual! We have to go thru the "revolving door!" Now, I had been through revolving doors, but, it is my first week at big, fancy Nationwide and I am hanging out w/Trump! I am a bit nervous! So, Trump is leading and I am following and.....................we get to the revolving doors! Split second decision, split second decision!!!!!!!!!!! Do I get in the same door as Trump? Or do I wait and get in my own door?! Looking back, this is a huge "duh" in my life!!!!!! But, remember, I am very nervous and wasn't thinking straight! So...............split second decision and what do I do? You know it, my friend, I "jump in" the same door as "TRUMP!" As soon as I do, I realize my mistake! I will always remember the look on Trump's face when she realized I was there! We had to take baby steps to get through to the other side!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For the record, Trump and I laughed about it "later" - like a "year" later! It is soooooooooooooooo funny to tell the story now, but I was completely mortified at that particular moment in time! Anyway, Trump and I lost touch through the years, but I hope she is doing well! She was always so sweet to me and put up w/my "innocence!" So............................THANK YOU, BRENDA (aka Trump)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3) Mike Hall! Yes, I was in love w/him! Yes, he knew! Yes, it was embarassing! Yes, he was my Tom Cruise! Yes, I went to church every Sunday just hoping to see him! And, yes, I can laugh about it now!
4) Victoria's Secrets! Okay - this is a place I really do not "frequent." Again, it is just not me or my style! I prefer old sweats and a t-shirt. That being said, I needed a new bra! So, my one and only sister takes me to VS. I usually just go to Kohls for my bras. Is anyone aware of the "bra help" that you get at VS??!! I didn't know, but Heidi told me how they will help you. They ask your size and help you pick one out to get started and they even measure your bust in front of everyone, too! Then, in the dressing room, they even have a "buzzer" for the girls to come and give you advice on your bras! Wow!!!!! Fancy for me!!!! And, I might add, a bit embarassing if your so-called "boobs" hang down to your belly button from having two beautiful babies!!!!!!!! If I was Cameron Diaz, I might not care, but I am, unfortunately, not! So...........I am timid, to say the least, but decide to just go for it! The girl measures me and gets me started with some bras and tells me to "buzz" if I need anything! Well, that first "buzz" was hard, but I don't know what happened 'cause, after that, I was "buzz, buzz, buzz!" I was on fire, man! I tried on sooooooo many bras and kept having the girls come "look!" Even Heidi, later, said, what was up w/all the buzzing??!! Anyway, it was an embarassing moment, but it goes to show that a "not so flattering" moment can be turned into what you make of it! LOL! :)
5) Waving to the wrong person! Man, I do this ALL THE TIME! Someone will be driving past my house and they have the same car as someone I know. So................I wave and smile and wave some more --- only to realize that.....................I don't know the person in that car AT ALL! Never saw them before in my life! I have learned to just laugh at myself, but, man, I do feel stupid when this happens! LOL! :)
6) Throwing an ice cube! Sounds innocent enough, but not if it is a guy and you hit him in the privates with it!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!! :) When I was about seventeen and working at Burger King, we would goof off on our down times. So....................I threw an ice cube at my friend, who was a guy and good-looking, and, voila, I hit him in his crotch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Embarassing for a young girl, I tell ya! But, oh, so funny, now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
7)Wearing tags on shirt! Back when vests were popular I had a nice, new, pretty white one! But, duh, forgot to take the price tags (there were two for some reason) off!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUSTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I felt like an idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8) A boy I liked "kisses" me on the cheek! I was a freshman at Marion-Franklin. I had a huge crush on a tenth-grader named Derek (I think that was his name). Anyway, on my b-day (Nov. 5) my friends had him come up behind me in the cafeteria and "kiss" me on the cheek! I could have just died!!!!!!! For starters, he didn't "like" me in that way! He was just a sweet guy to do that, but I was soooooooooooooooooooo embarassed! Oh, I just realized, his name was Dirk! :)
9) Overflow! I don't mean to be gross, but, this blog would not be accurate if I didn't admit to this particular embarassing moment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have heavy periods and have (more than once) overflowed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It happened at school once, too, and that was the worst!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will never know if anyone noticed! It was the end of the day and I high-tailed it out of there! And I never spoke of it AGAIN.........................until now! :)
10) My Dentist! You will have to look at my archives for these stories! Too long to re-tell! But he is Mr. Frickin' Good-Lookin' and I basically act like a love-struck, idiotic, teenager!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He has nice eyes and I can barely look at him when he is checking my teeth and wearing his mask! LOL! :) What is wrong w/me?! LOL! Btw, I have an appt. at the end of this month for a teeth cleaning! Don't worry, tho, 'cause 1)Jack always has his cleaning at the same time and 2)Mark will be there 'cause we are bringing Jake for his 1st appt.! But, maybe, just maybe, I will still have a funny story to tell!!!!!!!!!!!
My lists are always so very long! LOL! :) Sorry about that! I'm not sure if I am funny or just plain boring and no one wants to tell me! :)
Go slow on those roads tomorrow!
Be safe, be happy and be kind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Cissa's "Not so Flattering" Moments!
Posted by CissaLynn at 12:00 AM
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ROFL!!! Heather, you are great! We are too alike! Except the whole Mike Hall thing.... I still have nightmares over that one...LOL! I was just waiting for you to post this blog!! Couldn't wait to read it! Thanks for not disappointing! :)
I'm renaming this top ten...
Poop, toots and periods. :))
the revolving door is HILARIOUS!
Great and funny list! Mike Hall-?! I still can't get over that one! :)
The revolving door...ROFL
Everybody must have a men's bathroom story...mine happened while working at Kenworth, but I was told it was just a hallway to get to the other side of the plant...
Btw, can someone please post a picture of Mike Hall/Tom Cruise please
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