Monday, November 06, 2006

Just another day in the life of Cissa!

I just had to blog about my day b/c in retrospect it is pretty funny! :) First off, the morning went real well. I got Jackson up and ready and on the school bus and Jacob slept in till 9:00. Good so far!! When Jacob gets up, we watch some TV and he does some computer and I do some dishes and we, basically, take it easy. Then, we get a phone call from Jack's school! Jack has a stomachache and he needs me to come and get him. No problem, except for those of you who know, Jacob pretty much stays in his underwear ALL DAY (until it is time to go somewhere)! So.........I have to make him (and bribe him w/candy) to get dressed! He doesn't want to, but, eventually, gives in knowing that he will get candy out of it! :) Anyway, we are getting in the car when I suddenly realize that I haven't renewed my drivers license (and it needed to be done by my birthday which was yesterday)!!!!! Why I just think of this right here and now is beyond me! :) My mind starts playing games with me! I start thinking that I will have to re-take my driving test (written and driving parts)!!!! The thought is just too overwhelming to bear!!! So..........I decide to pick up Jackson and then go renew my license (there is a place to renew right by Jack's school so it makes perfect sense). And for the record, Jack only had a little "ache" by the time I got there and no temperature. I didn't think he was that bad! So.........Jacob and I go to the school and pick Jack up. Jack says that his stomachache comes and goes. He feels okay at this point, but wants to come home b/c when it does hurt - it hurts! I tell him we have to make one stop and he is cool with that. Okay, so we go in to the BMV and everything goes pretty quickly. I guess going to the BMV during the day is a good idea b/c they aren't as busy as usual. So........I pay and fill out the forms and take the eye test and get my picture taken. While we are waiting - Jack's stomach starts to hurt and he goes downhill fast! Luckily there just happens to be a nurse there and she looks him over and says it doesn't look like anything like his appendix - THANK GOODNESS! But, all of a sudden, he says he needs to go #2!!!!! Shouldn't be a problem, right?! Don't forget - this is me we are talking about!!!! I ask if they (BMV) have a bathroom and, of course, they do not!!!!! Well, not a PUBLIC one, that is!!!!! So.......I tell the girl I have to leave and find a bathroom and that I will be back to pick up my license (I am, at this point, just waiting for it to be finished). The girl says that is okay and I take the boys and run out! We go to Family Dollar a few doors down (Jack is crying in pain) and they tell me - NO PUBLIC BATHROOM!!! By this time - I am getting upset! I have a kid here who is crying, in pain, and has to go #2! Finally, I find a laundry mat and they have a bathroom and let me use it! THANK GOODNESS!!!!! So, we go in and Jack goes and feels a little better! But.........does it stop here? Of course, NOT!!!!!! Jack goes to flush the toilet and doesn't flush!!!!! Something is wrong with the toilet!!!!! I look for someone to tell, but no one is at the front desk! So........we just leave!!!! I felt soooooooo bad, but I was crazy at this point! So..........we go back to the BMV and pick up my license. But, in the meantime, Jack's stomach has started hurting AGAIN!!!!!!!! So..........I get my license and I take the boys out to the car. Jack is crying hard by now and saying that it hurts really bad. I am parked in the 2nd row so we have to walk between the 1st row of cars. As we are walking through - guess what happens?! I am holding Jacob's hand and he - BAM - bashes his head into a side mirror of a car!!!!!!!!!! Now I have two boys crying their eyes out and I don't know what to do! I pick Jake up and kiss his boo-boo, but I know that his head simply hurts! I feel like crying myself b/c both of my kids are in pain and I feel soooooo helpless. But, magically, we get in the car and everyone seems a little better. We get home and Jacob is fine and Jack uses the bathroom again and then he is fine, too. So..........all ends well, but the memory still lingers for me!!!!!!!! Whew!!!!!!!!! What a day!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope everyone else's was better!!!!!! :) And, btw, we went to Home Town Buffet yesterday - so I think that is what upset Jack's stomach! He has been fine since getting it out of his system!!! LOL! :)
P.S. And THANK YOU for all of the birthday wishes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love ya!!!! :)


Miranda said...

Those crazy buffets!!! Does it everytime!! lol....Wow...what a day! I guess sitting in a waiting room waiting on a surgery to be over isn't as bad as I think.

Alls well that ends well!! lol

Btw, mom did well, I'll update soon.

Amy said...

Happy Late Birthday! The wonderful joys of motherhood...we wouldn't trade those crazy days for anything!

carleta said...

Oh my goodness, it has been a while since anything like that has happened here. But, believe me..... that seems normal to me... lol... I'm glad they are feeling better!

shepblueeyes said...