Sunday, November 12, 2006

My Christmas Pics!!!! :)

Okay - I just figured it was my turn to post some pics of my boys!!! :) I was sooooo glad to see that Amy got her Christmas pics done early (like me)! :) It's never too soon to start!!!! It helps us moms feel a little ahead of the game!!! And, also, let's us show off our beautiful offspring!!!!! The sad thing for my kids, though, is that I will probably end up taking waaaaaay more!!! :)
Cissa Says: try and slow down a bit and enjoy this time of year! Remember the true meaning of why we celebrate! And reflect on the past, enjoy the present and look forward to the future!!!


Miranda said...

Your pictures turned out great too! Your boys are natural posers. They are very handsome little boys!!

Amy said...

Your boys are adorable! It has been so long since I have seen them-I can't believe how big they are! Your pictures turned out great!

carleta said...

OH MY Goodness!!! Those pics are waay tooo cuuute!!! I can't believe they just pose so sweet! I love the pictures!

carleta said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!! I love the pictures! I can't believe your boys pose sooo sweet!