Monday, September 04, 2006

Reverse Living

Some of you may have already heard this before, but I came across it (again) and thought it would be good to post!

Life is rough.
It takes up a lot of your time, all your weekends,
and what do you get at the end of it?
...Death, a great reward.
I think the life cycle is all backwards.
You should die first, get it out of the way.
Then you should live 20 years in an old-age home.
You get kicked out when you're too young,
you get a gold watch, you go to work.
You work for 40 years until you're
young enough to enjoy your retirement.
You go to college, you party until you're ready for high school,
you become a little kid, you play, you have no responsibilities,
you become a little boy or girl, you go back in the womb,
you spend your last nine months floating,
And you finish off as a gleam in someone's eye.

Norman Glass, submitted by Tony D'Angelo
From Chicken Soup for the College Soul


Carrie said...

That sounds great!

Carrie said...

Oh, btw good luck on your new job tomorrow :)

carleta said...

Hey gurly!!! Today was good... It was even quiet part of the day... Ms.Jill and Ms. Jennifer said the quiet before the storm. I hope its just a fall shower. lol But, I'm sure we'll get through it!