Sunday, August 20, 2006

The "ART" of Life

Okay - anyone who knows me certainly knows that I LOOOOOOOVE pictures! This is true! Well, I recently got to go to an art show and let me tell you - I had the BEST time! There were so many unique and creative things to see. It really got me thinking. I started thinking not so much about art, but about how art applies to life. Art is really about taking something little and doing something with it. I started thinking about how people in general take for granted the "little" things in life. Tis true that you can't always "do" something with life's "little" gifts (some you can and should), but we should at least stop and notice them. Here are a few examples that I happened to think of:
1) a bird in your backyard
2) crickets chirping in the summer
3) the sound of a waterfall
4) children laughing in the distance
5) a sunrise
6) a sunset
7) the sound of a light rain (sitting on a porch)
8) the scent of something you like (candle, perfume, food, or for me: my dirty boys when they
need a bath)
9) a soothing color
10) a soothing song
11) a favorite food
And last and also my favorite:
12) a favorite picture!
There are so many "little" things in life that often go unnoticed. It is often these "little" things that can bring us great joy or comfort as well. If only we would take the time to stop and look and watch for these "little" things. These things are there - all the time - we are surrounded by them everyday. My advice for myself and for you also is to take this week to start looking for the "little" things in life that make life special. Maybe it will help. I don't know. I am going to try it myself and see. I think it will. What I do know is that by going to this art show I got to see life differently. I got to see life through another person's eyes. One person paints with bright, bold colors while another does black and whites. One person does serious art while another adds
humor to theirs. Opposites side by side.
Take my advice and start watching for the "little" things in life. All I can say is I had the greatest day and I was at a "little" art show. And please let me know any of the "little" things in life that inspire each of you! I would love to hear about them!


Miranda said...

That is sooo funny...I too got to go to a little art show weird is that?? lol

Here are a few little things...
-a hummingbird if you're able to catch sight of one
-a young person holding the door open for an elderly person
-someone who lights up b/c they are glad to see you
...a quote for you from one of my art books..."No thing is beautiful. But all things await the sensitive and imaginative mind that may be aroused to pleasurable emotion at sight of them. This is beauty."

carleta said...

How about a baby sleeping...
A sky full of stars...
a lone purple flower in the edge of a cornfield...
A kitten sleeping in a shoe...
A sister helping her little brother not be nervous for the first day of school!