Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!!!
With Love From The Harvey Family!!!!! :))

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Gracie Girl!!!

After posting pics of my boys, it is now time for me to show off my Gracie girl pics (oh, yeah, and Heath is there, too, I guess)! lol!!!! :) Gracie girl can make me smile no matter what is going on elsewhere! Aunt Cissa loves you, little one!!!! Merry Christmas!!!!!!! :))

Tuesday, December 04, 2007


Just a quick note to wish all my blogger buddies a Merry Christmas!!!!! :) Oh, and also to show off some pics of my boys!!!!! :)) And.........keep watch 'cause there are more pics coming!!!! lololol!!!! Hmmm................there might even be a pic from the past that "pops up" soon...............muuuuuuwhaaaahaaaaahaaaaahaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!
Okay, bare w/me, but I have more inspiring words I would like to end with in keeping w/the season. I have been listening to lots of Christmas music, the past couple of days, and these words (from a song by Jewel) stuck w/me................ "In the end only kindness matters!" "I will get down on my knees and I will pray!" "We are God's eyes, We are God's hands!" I don't know if these words make much of an impact w/out hearing her sing it, but, man, I tell ya, the song she sings is really good! I think the song is called "Hands." Check it out if you haven't already heard it before! :)

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Secret Santa!

Yesterday was a very long, but very fun day! The biggest part of the day was spent w/Mark and I taking the Secret Santa pics at Jackson's school. Now, I must tell you, that we do the pictures very different than they ever did in the past. In the past, they have simply taken "polaroid" pics and that was that. Simple yet it got the job done. When they first asked me last year (this is our 2nd yr. taking the Santa pics) if I would be interested in taking the pics (the yearbook person is the one who usually does and I was the yearbook person) - I said I was definately interested, but there was NO WAY I was taking "polaroid" pics! LOLOLOLOL! They soon realized just how "into" pictures Cissalynn was!!! A polaroid pic just wouldn't do for me! LOL!!! :) Sooooo, we load up all of our picture necessities such as backdrops, tripods, lighting and decorations. We go over to the school on Friday evening and set up only to be back at the school Sat. morn (by 7:00 am) to be ready to take pics by 8:00 when Secret Santa starts! I was a bit more anxious this year than last and I'm not sure why! I just get like that. Once things get started it is fine. I just get anxious leading up to it. This year like last year was a big success and lots of fun! Everyone seems to like the pictures and I have fun taking them. It is truly my calling in life (besides being a mom)! :)) Soooooo, after the pics are done and we help clean everything up (which, btw, is a BIG JOB), Mark and I come home and do a little cleaning. Then, we treat ourselves to Olive Garden for dinner and had a real nice time. Oh, I forgot an important little detail! lol!!! My mom was babysitting my kids for us!!!!! WooHoo!!!! Mark and I never go out to eat by ourselves!!!!!! It is a rare occasion and a special treat for us!!!! THANK YOU, MOM & DAD for watching our boys!!!!!! We truly appreciate it!!!!!!!!!!!! Sooooo, we go to Olive Garden (which, btw, my brother works there so we requested him) and had a nice dinner. But, the neatest part of all was sitting in the booth talking and waiting for our food and.........................our nephew from Circleville walks by!!!!!! We haven't seen him since Sept. so it was sooooooo cool to run into him! He was w/some school kids who had gone to some seminar and were eating out on their way home. Who would think he would be at the same place as us at the same time!!!!! Too Funny!!!!!!! :)) I have to tell you, tho, that we ran into this same nephew and his brother and stepdad last year at Kings Island!!!!!!! We were there w/some friends and they were there w/their baseball team! Neither of us knew the other were going!!!! Everyone I was w/went to ride a rollercoaster and I waited (holding all the stuff 'cause I was a little sick). Anyway, I am sitting there enjoying being a people watcher and I suddenly think, "that looks like my nephew in that group of boys!" I think, "it can't be" so I just sit there, but as he starts to walk past I think, "OMG, it IS my nephew!!!" Soooo, of course, I stop them and say hello!!!!!! But, it was soooo funny! And it also makes the Olive Garden "run in" even more funny, too!!!! :)
Soooo, that is my Saturday in a nutshell. We picked the kids up after dinner and looked at some Christmas lights and then came home! It ended up being a real nice day!!!! I have to end my blog today w/some words that will already be familiar to some (Carleta). I wrote the newsletter for the preschool this month and this is a little sample of it!
"Take a moment to sit quietly and say a prayer for all the good things in your life! Amongst all the chaos in our lives there is so much goodness! God wants the best for each of us!"
Have a good week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :))

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Halloween Face!

Okay, I have another story to tell! :) This one happened to me about a month ago (way before my "poop" story)! LOLOLOL!!!! And, yes, this story is funny to one degree, but so very sad to another! After it happened, I laughed due to the "I can't believe that just happened to me" moment, but a few minutes later, I was crying in Target, due to the "how awful how that just happened" and "I will never complain again!" Soooooo, have I got your curiosity peeked??!! Maybe, I should just wait and tell ya later!!! lol! Just kidding! Here goes:

Mark, the boys and I were at the Stringtown Wal-Mart doing a little shopping. It was about a week before Halloween, so keep that in mind. I had gotten the Joel Osteen book (a gift from my mom) around that same time and just started reading it. I had also watched Joel Osteen on Larry King Live and was real impressed w/him and what he had to say! Joel Osteen is a famous minister in Houston and has written two motivational books about how to improve your life! I just happen to really like him! This fact is important later on in my story! :) Sooooo, we are at Wal-Mart and we pay and are on our way out the door. Now, as you all know, way too often, there is someone sitting out front of Wal-Mart selling things. Usually they are selling candy bars or something little like that! I usually just walk right on by these people or sometimes I, at least, say "no, thank you." Well, this day was no different. As we walk out, there sits a young lady selling what looks like little candy bars. So, after reading some of Joel's book, I figured it might be nice to stop and smile and say hello and see what she was selling and why. I don't remember for sure, but I think it was candy bars for a church! To tell the story correctly, I have to mention two things: 1)it was getting dark out by this point and 2)the young woman was black (I don't want to be a Don Imus). But, the point that she was black may explain better why this happened to me! Soooo, Mark and the boys walk out in front of me and I follow behind. Oh, yeah, another detail I left out is that Mark had gotten the car and pulled up front to get the kids and I. Soooooo, I follow behind my family and see this young woman. Sooooo, I stop and smile and say hi. I ask her how much the candy bars are and she says it is donation only and you get a piece of candy! Mark is putting Jacob in the car and I holler to him to get some money (I'm broke). :) As I am waiting for Mark to get the money, I decide to make some "small talk" with the young lady! Sooooo, I look her straight in the eye (b/c I am thinking how soooo many people get overlooked and ignored these days). I am really trying to make an "extra" effort to be "extra" friendly (it is all Joel's fault). Personally, I think I am VERY FRIENDLY on any given day. I always try to smile and notice people in general b/c you never know who might need it. One smile to one person may make their day and you may never realize it! Okay, I am getting off track here. Sooooo, I look her right in the eye and I can't help but notice that her face is all done up!!!! With make-up that is! It looked like she had totally decorated her face, sort of like a kitty cat! I am assuming since it is so close to Halloween that that is what she did! W/out missing a beat (or using my head obviously), I say to her, "Oh, You Decorated Your Face For Halloween To Sell Candy, HUH!!!!!" Well, I'm sure you can guess what happened next!!!! NO, SHE HAD NOT DECORATED HER FACE FOR HALLOWEEN!!!!!! She says so very politely that "no, my face just looks like this!" I COULD HAVE DIED!!!!!!! I was 100% caught off guard and had NO IDEA what to say now!!!!! I didn't want to just stand there and say nothing - and running off, like I wanted too, didn't seem to be the right choice, either! The nice young woman does say to me (as I am standing there feeling awful) that I was not the first person to think that! Sooooo, after standing there for what felt like FOREVER, I finally say, "Were you born this way?" Now, some of you might think this is the 2nd embarassing thing for me to say to her. I disagree. After thinking she had Halloween make-up on and finding out that was not the case, I felt like it was okay to inquire! I have heard numerous times that disabled people would rather be asked about their disability rather than stared at! Soooo, I just figured that this might be true in this case as well. Plus, in the few moments (that felt like yrs.) that I stood there thinking of what to say next.........I prayed and asked God what to do next. I felt like these were the words that came to me! Soooo, I ask if she was born this way. She says she was, but it was much smaller when she was little, but grew throughout the years! By this point, I am completely blank on what to say next, so I simply say "I'm sorry!" By this point, Mark had the kids in the car. I get some money from him and give it to the girl. I tell the girl "bye" and I get in the car and we drive off! Mark looks at me and says "I know you feel bad right now, but I am just glad it was you and not me!" I start laughing b/c it is SO AWFUL what happened!!!! You either laugh or cry! I laughed! Not at the girl, no, but at me!!!! How could this happen??!! I felt so bad!!!! Sooooo, we drive over to the new Target in Grove City (which most of you know isn't far) and park and go in the store. As we are getting the cart, I just started walking and crying!!!! I still felt soooo bad. But, the funny part of what happened to me, was over! It wasn't funny, not really! This girl has to live with her face looking like it is decorated for Halloween!!!!! I don't know if anyone knows this, but I have rosacea! It is basically reddening of the face! My cheeks will, often times, be much more red than they should be. I have cream from the dermatologist that I put on it, but sometimes I am self-conscience of it! Standing there in Target, thinking of this young woman, I told Mark that I would never complain of my rosacea again! Soooo, I laughed and cried and felt bad for a whole week! I have told people my story and everyone has been so sweet to me! Most people suggest that I was put in this woman's path that day for a reason! Maybe! I hope so! I will never know! I do feel like she was put in MY life that day for a reason! :) Oh, I wanted to point out why I mentioned that she was black! :) She had a hoody on and in the dark, since she already had a dark complexion, I just thought it might help explain what happened. I might have been able to tell better (on a white person) that it wasn't make-up. Maybe, maybe not, but I felt it was worth mentioning! :)
Soooo, for the whole following week, I kept saying that I was going to email Joel Osteen!!!!! This was all his fault, of course! If it wasn't for him, I would have just walked right on by or, at the most, just said hello, and carried on my way!!!! Joel is to blame for this! :) I never did email him, but I still wonder what he would say if I did! :) I hope that it is true and there is more to this story than meets the eye! I will probably never know, but I hope it is true! In the meantime, take my advice, and NEVER, EVER ask a woman about her make-up!!!!!! LOL!!!! :))

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Oops! I Crapped My Pants!!!

LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!! ROFL!!!!!!!! By reading the title, you may have an idea of what I am about to write! If anyone reading this is squeamish in any way, I suggest you stop reading now!!!!! LOLOLOLOL! I must say, tho, that I think I am pretty brave to tell my story! It is awful, but at the same time, one of the funniest things to tell!!!! I laugh everytime I think about it!!!! :) Something this funny just has to be passed on!!!! I hope anyone reading about this finds it more funny instead of gross! Sooooooo, here goes:

Let me first start by asking, have any of you heard that Justin Timberlake song, "What Goes Around Comes Back Around!" Well, if not, you should really look it up online and listen to some of the lyrics, b/c after what happened to me, I keep singing the chorus! :)) It isn't like I didn't already know that, "what goes around comes back around!" Of course, I know that! I try to live by that! Do under others as you would have others do unto you! Right?! I pretty much have tried to live my life in a very caring manner! I pride myself on being caring and nice and kind to others! But..........I certainly have had my share of "laughing" at others expense!!!!! Let's not forget Emjaye's skunk incident! It is a perfect example b/c I always laugh myself sick EVERY time I think of it!!!!!!! :)) Soooooo, back to my story! I don't know if ya'll know this, but I go walking w/my very good friend, Shadia, most every night. We usually don't even go till nine o'clock or later. We get the kids in bed and then off we go! I haven't lost a ton of weight by walking, but I really do feel much better both physically and emotionally! I have gotten a couple compliments that I've lost a "little" bit of weight so it is incentive to keep going! Soooooo, Wednesday night Shadia calls and asks if I am ready to go! We had a late dinner (well, we ate at 7:00) and it was now 9:30, so I was ready to go! We walk anywhere from a mile and a half to two miles, so it can feel pretty far sometimes! Sooooo, we get going and everything is fine. We got at least a mile when, all of a sudden, I get a HORRIBLE stomachache!!!!! You know the kind I'm talking about!!!!! It stopped me in my tracks!!!! I felt like I was gonna have to go (poop, that is) right then and there!!!!! I told Shadia I might not be able to keep going! I might have to turn back! My house was down the street! Would I even make it back home??!! I scanned the homes around me for anyone I might know so I could run to their house if needed! I was NOT to modest at this point in time to care! I needed a toilet and I needed one fast!!!!!!! There wasn't anyone that I knew in this particular section! Awful feeling (physically and emotionally)!!! stomach made a loud noise and whatever it was seemed to pass! Shadia suggested we just go to the end of the street and turn around and come back since I wasn't feeling well. Sounded like a good plan (tho my stomach felt better, that feeling of "it might come back" was scary)! guessed it, it came back!!!!! We got to the end of the street and turned around to come back. As we are walking back (my house is at the other end, so this is good) my stomachache comes back! Whatever I had WAS NOT WAITING!!!!! I told Shadia I might have to run and leave her behind! She understood! I think that was the worst part! I DID NOT WANT TO CRAP MY PANTS IN FRONT OF SHADIA!!!!! How mortifying would that be??!! Crapping my pants wouldn't be the worst part! The worst part would be - how do I say it gently - oh, well, I'll just say it -------- the smell!!!!! Can you imagine???!!!! I DID NOT WANT THAT TO HAPPEN IN FRONT OF SHADIA!!!! So............I get about four houses from mine and I can't take it anymore! It is coming and I am trying my darndest to hold it in. But, this is not "normal" poop, oh no! We have all been there. When diarrhea wants to come, there is no holding it back!!!! Sooooo, I tell Shadia I gotta run! I take off and make it to my porch! I run up the stairs (there is only two steps) and WHOMP! THERE IT IS!!!!!!! RIGHT IN MY PANTS!!!!!! At this point I have given in! As awful as it is, I can still find a positive! Aren't I special??!! The positive is that it didn't happen in front of Shadia!!!!! I had run off and left her and it was a good thing! As awful as the feeling of "crapping your pants" is - at least I had made it home! I might not have made it to the toilet, but at least, I was home!!!!! Sooooooo, I come inside and the kids are in bed and Mark had gone to bed early, too (he had a headache). I take off my gloves and attempt to take off my coat! More "crap" is on the way! I had only made it thru the first round. There was more to come!!!!! Well, can you believe, my coat zipper got stuck!!!!!!! Oh, yeah, that's right!!!!!! What a perfect time for my zipper to get stuck!!!!! Soooooo, as I am standing there trying to get my coat off, round two happens in my pants AGAIN!!!!!! ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know it is gross, but oh, sooooo funny!!!!! Well, as it turns out, I finally got my zipper undone and get to the toilet!!!! Man, a toilet never looked soooo good!!!!! (Although, there wasn't much I needed the toilet for now, tho). I mean, come on, I had already done my business in my pants! But the toilet did help in the cleanup area! Let's just say, I had to sit in the tub for awhile as well!!!!! And........I threw away the clothes I was wearing, too! I probably could have gotten them clean, but #1 UGH!!!!!!! And #2 I would always know what happened in them! That thought alone was worth throwing them away!!!!!!
Soooooo, what is the moral of this story????!!!! Why am I passing it along????!!!! The moral is: like Justin's song, what goes around DOES come back around!!!! So, be careful, my blogger friends!!!!! And I am passing it along: b/c although "what goes around comes back around" - that is true - but this story IS FUUUUNNNNY!!!!!! You can't help but laugh!!!!! I couldn't NOT TELL!!!!!! Soooo, I apologize if anyone thinks it is NOT funny! Maybe I have a sick sense of humor! But, I can't help it, I think it is funny!!!!!! I have laughed at sooooo many others who this has happened too and now it caught up w/me!!!! Soooo, the Justin Timberlake song now has new meaning to me!!!!! Everytime I hear it, I will think of what happened to me!!!!! LOLOLOL!!!!!! If anything, I hope I brought out a chuckle or made someone smile by telling my story! :) Now, I just have to make sure I don't get stopped by any skunks!!!!!!! :))))

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Where Has The Time Gone???

Hi there, fellow bloggers! It seems like forever since I have blogged!!!! I guess it HAS been forever!!!! I just don't know where the time goes! It seems like I blink and another day has passed! Halloween has come and gone and it will be Thanksgiving in TWO WEEKS! How are we supposed to get our Halloween decorations down, the Thanksgiving ones up, and then Thanksgiving stuff back down and Christmas decor up!!!! I don't know about you guys, but it is feeling a little crazy to me! LOL! :) I would rather be busy, tho, and have things to do instead of sittting around being bored! So...........on that note, I am NOT complaining, just merely "asking" how to do it all!!! :)
Soooooo, I have had mostly good things going on the past month! Jackson is doing good in school (just had a teacher conference tonight). I really like his teacher. I have, in fact, liked ALL of Jack's teachers! I feel spoiled in a way, but that is a good thing, huh?! :) Jacob is liking preschool and doing good there, too! And, again, what good teachers we are blessed with!!! :) Mark and I got to take the preschool pics last week! It was soooo much fun taking the kids' pictures!!!! The best, I must say, was the three yr. old class picture! There was NO WAY they were all going to sit still and pose! We finally gave up and just started snapping and let the kids sit and stand kinda wherever! The picture is hilarious, but I love it 'cause it is real! The individual pics came out really good and I am so happy about that! We got a lot of compliments and that always makes you feel good! So, be prepared, 'cause I will probably "post" a couple for you all to see! :)
I am still walking every evening with one of my bestest friends around! I really do look forward to that walk every night! We usually don't even go until nine at night or, sometimes, even later! But, most nights, I am ready to go! I haven't lost a ton of weight, but I do feel so much better in general.
Oh, the big news is that my brother will probably be moving to Grove City!!!!! Yippee! It will be soooo nice to have him much closer! :)) He will probably be sick of me real quick, but I will loooove having him closer! He came over a couple of weeks ago and taught me a new recipe! It was soooo good! Who would think it, but he is REALLY a good cook!!!! I keep asking him to write me out some recipes or, better yet, teach me some more meals! He came over and actually prepared it and everything! I had to take notes to remember it all! It was funny! LOLOLOL!!!!! :)
At this point in time, I am starting to think about Christmas pictures!!!! WooHoo! That is always so much fun for me! :)
Okay, well, "Greys" is on, so I gotta run! With the writers strike, it may be awhile before I get to watch it again! :) But.......stay tuned 'cause I have a funny, yet sad story to blog this weekend!
Till then........peace out!!!!! :)

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Circle S Farms!

Jackson, Jacob & Gracie
(No one is looking, of course)! :)

Gracie Girl!

I See You!

Jack! He is growing up waaaay tooooo fast!

Brothers! Sometimes they love each other, sometimes not!!! :)

Jacob! Mama's Boy!

We got to go to Circle S Farms yesterday and had a wonderful time!!!! My mom and dad came and brought Gracie which was just icing on the cake!!!!! We all love that little girl soooo very much!!!!! She went down the slide over and over again on her cousin, Jackson's, lap!!!! She loved it!!!! :) She wanted to go down over and over again!!!! :) It was sweet!!! The boys, as always, had a fabulous time playing in the hay barn! We had to undress in our garage when we got home! There was hay EVERYWHERE and I wasn't about to let those rugrats bring it into the house! Jacob and I went to Circle S with his preschool a couple of weeks ago. I found hay all over the house for a solid week afterwards!!!!! Cissa learned quickly! Get undressed in the garage before coming inside!!!! LOL!!!!! :) It really was a great day!!!!! Mark even video taped some of it which was terrific! I have decided, tho, that I am going to start bringing my video w/me wherever I go! I am already known to lug my camera around, so I will now just bring a big, giant backpack w/the video as well! Time just goes by waaaay toooo fast and I need more than pics to capture it all!!!! :) Soooooo, if you see me coming, watch out, 'cause no one is off limits!!!!! LOLOLOL!!!!! :))
Before I sign off, I have a little prayer request! My aunt (she lives in New Mexico) - her father-in-law's son (so it would be my aunt's brother-in-law) passed away on Wednesday! He had liver cancer and they knew it was coming, but it came faster than expected! Her father-in-law is a great man (we know him pretty well) and he is totally devastated, of course. He feels like your children should outlive the parents! The funeral is on Monday in New York where the son lived. The family just needs lots of prayer!!! THANK YOU ALL!!!!!! The father-in-law just lost his wife three years ago so this is very hard for the family!!!! The father-in-law is in New York now, but I can't imagine coming home after the funeral!!!! (The father-in-law lives not too far from me). I can't imagine what that must feel like!!! Sooooo, again, please just pray! There is such heartache for sooo many people!!!! That is why we need to take advantage of the fun days and hold on to them for dear life!!!! I feel like God is teaching me new things every day! He is saying, "Cissa, don't take those two precious baby boys for granted! Embrace the noise, embrace the messy house, embrace it all! For time is short and you will be sad when it is gone!" Plus, I have had many people say things, lately, that have hit home w/me! These people don't even realize it, but the Lord was probably reaching out to me thru them!!!! :) Powerful, huh!!!! :) So......I am gonna sign off on that note!
Have a good week!!! It's Pumpkin Show time!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Btw, I just re-read this and realized I kept saying "the father-in-law!" His name is Tony. But, the son's name was Tony, too, so I just refer to him as "the father-in-law" as to not confuse people since they are both Tony! :)

Thursday, October 04, 2007


Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Halloween!!!! October is a favorite month of mine! By now, I have gotten used to summer ending and school starting! The weather is usually just right - not too hot and not too cold!!! The scenery is absolutely beautiful with the leaves changing color and all the cool pumpkin decorations!!!! It certainly helps prepare me for the upcoming winter season! Sort of eases me into it!!!! :))
I wanted to update everyone on my recent hospital visit (my ultasound). Unfortunately, I don't have anything to tell yet! I had my ultrasound done on Tuesday. Everything went fine - it was totally easy. The only hard part was waiting. I guess my dr. hadn't sent over any "script" so I had to wait while the hospital called my dr. to fax that over! The "waiting" was the only bad part! Three people came in after me and got to go before me due to waiting for that darn script!!! The ultasound was easy! Now, I just have to wait for the results, along with my blood test results, which I will get at my next appt. (which is next week on the 10th). I just hope to get an answer as to why I feel sooooo tired all the time! I haven't felt right since Jacob was born. I did lose a lot of blood when Jacob was born and some say maybe my iron is low (like it never recovered from his birth). I just feel so dag-on tired and it really affects my life! I can't always enjoy things b/c I tire out so easily as compared to those around me! Mark is ten yrs. older than me and he has more energy than I do!!! Sorry, babe, I don't mean to "crack" on your age!!!! LOL!!!! I just should have more energy! I am too young to be this tired all the time!!! Please pray that I will find the answers I am looking for!!!! I don't want anything bad to be wrong, just something little to explain! Thanks soooo much for your prayers and concern!!! It means a lot to me!!!!
I also have to mention this funny coincidence! My aunt had part of her thyroid removed on Monday (keep her in your prayers as well). My appt. was on Tuesday at the exact same hospital!!!! It is just funny how we were at the same hospital at the same time!!!!! So, of course, I went to visit her after my ultrasound. She was doing good - just tired from the surgery and was having a hard time sleeping. I just found out this morning that my aunt came home yesterday (Wednesday). Her tests came out benign!!!! GOOD NEWS!!!!
Soooo, please pray for us!!! The waiting for results is the hardest part of all!!!!! Pray for me to have patience!!!!
Thanks for everything!!!! Have a nice weekend! We will be working on our basement some more! It is coming along slowly, but surely!!!! :)

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Where Has Cissa Been?

Hey guys, it's Cissa! :) Long time, no blog! Man, has it been busy around here! I had no idea that the older my kids got, it would be even more hectic!!!! You think when your kids are little that things are crazy! And, they are! It is just a different kind of crazy! As your kids get older, that craziness changes - it shifts! And, it is probably MORE crazy than you can even prepare for! And, my kids aren't even in sports or any extracurricular activities at the moment! I don't know how we would even squeeze that in!!! I have friends who do it, so I know it can be done, but I can't imagine having one more thing on our plates to do!!!! And, I don't work! I stay home!!!!! How do working moms do it??!! I have no idea 'cause I am barely hangin' on and I am at home! All I know is this: we are all in this crazy boat together!!!! We are all busy!!!! We are all trying to do our best!!! My only advise is: hang in there!!! :) I know that isn't saying much, but I do know that the busy times end and then there are some slower times! The slow times are the times when we need to be aware and take advantage of them!!!! And, during the crazy times, it is okay to let certain things go! We simply need to decide what things are the most important and focus on those things! The other things, the ones we let go, we will get back to them eventually! Don't make yourself "go crazy" in all the craziness trying to get everything done! Cause guess what?! You can't do it all!!!! All your plates you have spinning will come falling down if you don't let "some" things go! Give yourself permission to "only do what you can do!" And, remember, that we are all in this together! We all have our own crazy things going on!!!! So, let's pray for one another!!!! :)) Let's lift each other up in prayer b/c I know we all need it!!!!! :)

So, speaking of prayer, yes, I do need it!!!! :) I had my drs. appt. yesterday! I don't really know anything now (I had a physical), but on the outside everything looks good! They are doing all kinds of blood tests which I am confident will be fine! The dr. wants me to come back, for results, in two weeks! The big news is that I am going to the hospital! They want me to get an ultrasound on my neck! Yes, the dr. thinks I have a big, fat neck!!!!! LOL!!!! :) It is probably nothing, but my neck does look a little large (which some people just have larger necks)! LOL!!! :) They want to check my thyroid. Sooooo, just keep me in your prayers!!!! I am not really worried, just more concerned! It is always nerve racking when they send you for tests and you have to wait for the results!!!!! That is the nerve racking part - the waiting!!!!!! My appt., at the hospital, is on Tues. morning (the 2nd)! I won't know anything more until Weds. (the 10th) when I go back to the dr. You know they never tell you anything until your drs. appt. Until then, just be praying for me! THANK YOU, GUYS!!!!!!! It means a lot to me!!!!!!
Until next time, hang in there! :))

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Answers with an "H"

Okay, I just read Carleta's blog and thought this was so cute! Of course, I ran off and answered them all right away! I don't know why, but these things are so much fun!!!! :) Enjoy! Oh, btw, some of my blogger buddies need to read my last entry (the one before this). I asked a question (for all my fellow bloggers to answer) and said I would "help" Emjaye (w/the top ten) while she is busy w/her studies! :) If you wanna know this week's question, check out my previous entry! With my question and Carleta's as well, we are keeping you busy!!!!! :)

Four letter word: HARP

Vehicle: HONDA



Boy Name: HEATH (my brother)

Girl Name: HEIDI (my sister)

Refreshing Drink: HAWAIIAN PUNCH

Occupation: HOUSECLEANER (I was gonna put "Hooker," but thought otherwise)! LOL!!!

Something you wear: HATS


Something found in a bathroom: HAIRBRUSH


Cartoon Character: HE-MAN

Something You Shout: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Place to visit: HAWAII

I LOOOOOOVE these kind of questions!!!!! Thanks to Carleta for passing it on for the rest of us to have fun with!!!! Some of the questions are harder to answer than others!
Have a great weekend!!!!!!! Maybe I will run into you at Arts in the Alley! We are bringing my niece, Gracie, so that will be fun!!!!! Look for future pictures coming up!!!!! Stay tuned!!!! :)

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Here Comes Cissa!

Hey guys!!! I have noticed, that w/out Emjaye's Top Ten, it has been awhile since we all have updated! :) I know we are all very busy, but I think the top ten also helped us to check in and write a tad more. Sooooooo, on that note, here goes: I am listing "one" question for everyone to answer! It just so happens to be one of the suggestions I had passed along to Emjaye! :) I apologize upfront if it is a pain!!! You all will be screaming for Emjaye to come back!!!! :) I just figured I would "help" fill in a bit while Emjaye is busy w/her classes.
Sooooooo, the question is this: blog one favorite recipe to share w/the rest of us!!!! :) I am asking for a regular recipe - NOT a dessert! We will do a favorite dessert at another time! :) Again, this might sound like a pain to do and I apologize! I just, personally, need some new ideas! :) You all can vote me out of being the "temporary" fill in person!!!! LOL!!!! :) Anyway, I hope everyone is having a good week! We are going to be busy working on the basement this weekend. I will, however, find time to go to Arts in the Alley at some point!
Take care everyone and I am looking forward to seeing your recipes (or I am gonna look real stupid if nobody does it)! LOL!!! :)

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Jacob's 1st Day of Preschool!

Sooooo, yesterday was another "1st" for us!!! Jacob and I started our preschool routine! As w/Jack, everything went very well! Actually, even better, if you consider Jacob's personality!!!! He woke up and was very tired, but still happy to go! He said he would sit w/out me and I hoped he was right! I am staying at the preschool due to the drive being so far and I feel it is best, as well, for Jacob at this time. I did keep telling Jake (to prepare him) that I couldn't sit w/him. I told him I have to sit at my own table away from the kids. When we got to preschool, Jacob sat down in his seat (I hear it is a pretty special seat) and once I got him started he said, "okay, go away!" Wow!!!!!!!! After that, he did really well. You can tell that he is still a bit shy and it will take time, but man, what an accomplishment for him to go off and be w/his class w/out me!!!!! He even went outside to recess w/out me tagging along! This is a huge, huge, big deal and we are sooooo proud of him!!!! It certainly makes him starting kindergarten next year feel less anxious (well, for mom, that is)! By then, he will be a whole year older and do even better! Sooooo, I am very happy that things went so good! And I am very proud of him! It is hard to watch the other kids run and play and have fun while your baby "wants" to go play, but it is harder for them to join in! Heck, even adults are like this! Some adults have never learned how to join in w/the others! Being shy can really inder your abilities in life! I was once way more shy in my life as well. I learned to become more outgoing and I hope to teach that to my children! I do think it is a process, tho, and it takes time! Every step someone like Jacob takes is a huge and special accomplishment!!!!! It is usually baby steps for Jacob, but today, it was one "giant leap!" :) Soooo, on that note, "YOU GO, JAKE!!!!!!" You did a fantastic job and we are proud of you!!!!!
And let's not forget to thank special teachers like Miss Carleta for her caring soul!!!! I hope she knows how much it means to us!!!! It was a really good first day!
Oh, and btw, Cissa made a friend as well!!!!! A little girl in Jake's class comes w/her grandma (Connie). Well, Connie stayed and we did laminating and had such a nice time talking! She was very sweet!
Plus, I must explain why I didn't have my camera in the class with me (Miss Carleta asked me where it was)! :) I "did" bring it - it was in the car. I decided not to bring it inside b/c if Jacob "did" go off w/his class - I didn't want to interfere and distract him. I was afraid if he saw me - he would want to come w/me or have me stay w/him. Believe me, it was HARD not to be taking more pictures!!!! :) I just told myself that I will have plenty more opportunities to take more!!!!! I just have to let Jacob get used to it first!!!! :) Stay tuned for more pics of both boys! We are doing the yearbook again this year, so I'll have plenty of pics to post in the near future!

Monday, September 03, 2007

Fall brings some pretty fun things!

As most of you all know, I had an anxiety attack, back in July, over summer ending and fall beginning! It probably seemed crazy to be upset that early in the summer, but unbeknownest to me, it was probably meant to happen that way. Having already been upset, I am now able to embrace the fall season and all of the wonderful things it has to offer! I am also not as upset about winter coming, as I usually am, either! Sooooo, on that note, here are my favorite things that the fall season brings! :)

1)Halloween! This includes pumpkins and gourds and all that fun stuff!!! It is my favorite holiday! I think I even like it more than Christmas!!! :) I am known to dress up in my own costume along w/the kids!!!! Hey, speaking of that, I will have to blog some pictures of past Halloween costumes!!!! I used to co-ordinate my costume w/Jackson's, but the older he got, that didn't quite work! That doesn't stop Cissa, though! I still find something to dress up as even if it doesn't match the kids!!!! :)
2)Circle S Farms! I think this is one of the most fun places to go to during the fall season!!!! I look forward to every year!!!!
3)Renicks Farm Market! We go here every fall as well. We can spend a couple hours out in the pumpkin patch playing!!! is really fun to watch Mark try and carry as many pumpkins as he can!!!! You pay a certain price (like around $12) and you get as many pumpkins as you can carry!!!! Believe me, we pile him up pretty good!!!! :)) Funny!!!! :))
4)Pumpkin Show! This is something we always look forward to as well. We have been known to go even in the rain or snow!!!! :) Good food, fun rides, and sometimes see old friends you haven't seen in awhile! :)
5)Leaves changing colors! It is always so beautiful to see the changing colors of the leaves!!!!! I want to get some good pictures this year (future blog material)??!!!!! :)
6)Holiday shopping! I usually start my Christmas shopping in October or by the latest November!!! :) This is a really fun time 'cause I get to be Santa!!!! :) It is so sweet to see kids faces when they open their presents! I really enjoy the "behind their backs" shopping and all the preparing us moms get to do!!!! :)
7)Cooler weather! Even though summer is my favorite time of year, I am always happy for it to cool down by the end of August! If it could only be "three seasons" and not "four," I could live w/that!!!! :) Let's just leave winter out totally!!!! During the fall it is nice b/c you can wear jeans and a long sleeve shirt (maybe a light jacket or coat), but it is soooo comfortable!!!! Not too hot, not too cold!!!! Perfect!!!!!
8)Arts in the Alley Festival! I'm not sure if this would have been on my list in previous years, but I really like it now!!!! :) It is Grove City's annual Arts and Crafts show. I particularly enjoy the arts and photos displays. I also love getting ideas that I can re-create at home! Anyone interested in going this year??!! :))
9)New picture opportunities! The fall brings all kinds of new picture taking ideas!!!! My mind is continuously spinning and coming up w/new things to take pictures of!!! And w/Halloween and pumpkins being my favorite, pictures are definately a priority!!!! :)
10)Pumpkin pie, sugar cookies, etc.!!!! I seem to make these things more in the fall season than any other!!!! Yummo!!!!! That is all I have to say!!!!!! :)

Now that school has started and things are getting underway, I am looking forward to the fall and all it has to bring!!!! I may even go to a Buckeye game this year! I am really not a football fan (I love the Bucks and want them to win), but I don't watch it! However, I may be going to a game this year, if for nothing else than, to get some cool pictures for my Buckeye basement!!!!! :) We will see! Speaking of my basement, Mark and my uncle have started working on it (they are working as I write this)!!!! WooHoo!!!! You will all have to come and see my new re-modeled basement when it is done!!!! :) We are excited!

I also just have to say before I sign off: what a BEAUTIFUL weekend we have had this Labor Day!!!!! Who could ask for more??!! What a wonderful way to say "goodbye" to summer; we will see you next year!!!!! And hello to fall; we have lots of fun things planned!!!! :)

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

1st Day of School!!!!

Jackson's First Day of School!

Jackson is now a big 4th grader!!!! I can't hardly believe it!!!! He is growing up waaaay too fast! At his school, it is K thru 4, so he is the top dog this year! WooHoo! He has to set the example for the other kids this year! We are pumped for this to be a great year! Since it is his last year at Richard Ave. we want to make it special!'s to a "GREAT YEAR" and we are here to "PUMP YOU UP!!!!" LOL!!! :) Anyone thinking of Arnold right now??!! LOLOLOL!!!! :)

Monday, August 27, 2007

What Makes Cissa Smile?!

Okay, once again, I am the "last" person to do my weekly top ten list! I think the best is saved for last! LOL!!! :)

Things that make Cissa smile!

1)Well, of course, the number one answer to this question is............hmmm, what could it be????!!! it my two fabulous boys I have the privilege of raising??!! Why, yes, it is!!!!! LOL!!!! :) My number one answer would be: Jackson and Jacob!!!!
2)Would definately be my precious girl, Gracie! She is my niece for those who might not know ('cause so many people read my blog I have to be specific)! LOL!!! :)
3)Music helps me stay in a good mood and can turn a bad mood into a better one! :)
4)The zoo! I always feel better when I go to the zoo!
5)Movies (especially the movie theater)! It is soooo relaxing to go and see a movie. Plus, bonus, you have friends who go w/you, too!

Things that make Cissa frown!

1)When traffic is stopped! You don't want to be around me in a traffic jam! I absolutely HATE it!!! I just hate being at a "stop" when you are supposed to be driving! And the not knowing when you will start moving again! It drives me crazy!!! Plus, while we are on the subject of traffic, I also don't like people who just dart over (with or w/out their signal)! I am surprised there aren't "more" wrecks out there with the way people drive anymore!
2)People who think they know it all! This is a BIG turn-off for me! I prefer people who are kind to EVERYONE! If you really "do" know it all, that will automatically show on its own! :)
3)If one of my favorite shows is cancelled due to a Presidential speech! I know, I know, I should care what the President has to say! But the truth is, I would rather watch my show!!!! The President should come on at times that do not interfere w/our TV shows!!!! I guess I don't qualify as one of those people who "know it all!!!" LOL! Those people probably watch the Presidential speeches and such!!!! LOL!!!!! :)) And, btw, you don't always get to see a "makeup" show later, either! A lot of times you are simply "out of luck" until the summer reruns (which sucks)!!!!!!
4)Negative people! It just brings everyone else down around them! Now, I know everyone has bad days! That is okay! I am talking about the people who are continuously "down" and "negative" on almost a daily basis! These people are not fun to be around!
5)Last, but not least, I can't stand when people "dish" you in line!!!! COME ON!!!!! Get in the back of the line like everyone else!!!! Oh, and cars do this as well, which also drives me crazy!
So, there you have it!!!! Cissa's top ten list!!!! :)) WooHoo! I finished another one!!!!! A big accomplishment for someone who is having trouble sitting still lately!!!! Oh, and stay tuned for "1st Day of School Pics" of Jackson!!!! Today was his 1st day of school and everything went very well!!!!! He should be getting home in about ten minutes so I gotta run!!!!! :))

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Fill In The Blank!

Okay, so this one might be a little late! :) I guess the old saying, "Better Late Than Never!" is true in my case! LOL!!! I am finally getting around to doing "another" top ten! Unfortunately, it is about two or three weeks past the deadline! :) But, I wanted to do it 'cause I enjoy the top ten's, so here are my "fill in the blanks:"

1)Married or not, I have a "secret" crush on: well, I don't think it is much of a "secret," but my answer is BRAD PITT, of course!!!! If only he could see my "top model" pics!!!! :))
2)A genie came out of a bottle. My three wishes are a)health for my family! b)bright future for my kids (they make good money, they are happy, etc.) and c)I become famous (such as a famous photographer or something like that).
3)I could go the rest of my life without hearing the song: "We've Only Just Begun" by Karen Carpenter. Don't get me wrong. I like Karen Carpenter and I like the song. It just gets played waaaaay toooooo much! So do her Christmas songs, at that time of year, on the radio! I like more variety!
4)My pick for Bob Barker's replacement is: I would pick Rosie!!!! I think Drew will be fantastic, though! I just think Rosie would be good at this kind of thing! No politics involved for her to get into trouble about!!!! LOL!!! She would be funny!
5)When I'm hungry, I will most definately eat: well, I would "drink" Dr. Pepper, of course! LOL! :) I have also been into flavored water this summer (which I hope continues into the winter months as well). I will eat lots of junk fund such as chips!!!! I will eat pork chops! Oh, I love Red Robin No Bun Burgers and Bob Evans Chicken Meal with garlic butter!!!! Yummo!
6)The strangest thing about me is: you will probably have to ask my brother and sister about this one! Or, maybe, ask Mark, but he will be afraid to answer 'cause he might get into trouble! :) I mean, come on, I am like next to "perfection!" LOL! :) If "I" have to answer this question, I would honestly have to say, my sweaty hands and feet! They sweat horribly!!!! It is really kinda embarrassing to tell the truth!!!! :) But, that is the "strangest" thing I can think of! :)
7)The biggest thing I miss about elementary school is: oh, most definately, the innocence! I go to Jack's school quite often due to taking the yearbook pics. I always sit and watch and listen to the kids and I always come away thinking, "why can't we be this way as adults?" For the most part, they haven't been jaded yet, so most of them still care about each other. And for the "few" that have problems, they are mostly still "reshapable" with a little guidance! All the kids seem to get along! And when there are problems, they are fixed pretty easily. It is just simply the innocence! I would also have to say I miss having my "mommy" taking care of me! Dinner was always ready, breakfast was made, I could sleep in, etc. :))
8)The reality show I'd most like to be on is: Work Out! It comes on Bravo on the cable channel. I would love to be on that show! It might kill me, but I would do it in a minute!!!! :) I would have to answer to a trainer who doesn't take excuses and makes me really work out! Whatever doesn't kill ya makes ya stronger! LOL!!! :)
9)I am/am not smarter than a 5th grader? Definately NOOOOT! :) Jackson is practically smarter than me now when it comes to school stuff! I've still got him beat on life skills though!!! LOL! :)
10)In 5 yrs., I will hopefully be: happy! I just want to be happy! That is all I really truly want!!! :)

Okay, now it is on to doing "this" week's top ten! WooHoo! :)) I am on a roll!!!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

America's Next Big Star!

I think you all should start calling me "Tyra!" Or better yet, maybe I should change my blogger name to "Reflections From a Supermodel!" LOLOLOLOL!!!! :) I just had to post these after seeing Emjayes! Oh, btw, Emjaye took these two pics as well. We were at the church waiting for Carleta and Steph to get there and, well, you know the rest!!!! :) I will be signing autographs this Friday, at the Kids Night, at the church at 6:00! :)

Monday, August 20, 2007

Inspiring Quote I Just Heard!

I just heard this quote and thought it was worth passing on! I hope you guys like it as much as I did! :)

"The happiest people don't have the best of everything! They just "make" the best of everything!"

Very true, indeed!!!!! And a great reminder for us all!!!!! I know I needed it!!!! :)

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Top Ten List!

Not much time, but I have been forgetting to do the top ten lately! I didn't want to forget this time! LOL! :)

1)Leno or Letterman? Probably Leno, but for some reason I really like Conan O'Brian almost better than either of my choices! :) Conan is kinda dorky yet sweet at the same time!
2)Choc. and Peanut Butter or Choc. and Strawberry? Definately choc. and peanut butter!!! Yummo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3)Disney or Warner Brothers? Disney, for sure! Jackson watches it all the time! Hannah Montana is my personal favorite!!!! :) Suite Life of Zack and Cody is his fave!!!!! :)
4)Movie Theater or VCR/DVD? theater!!!!! :)
5)Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi (Pepsi used to make Dr. Pepper, my fave). I am pretty sure Dr. P is independent now, though.
6)Pens or Pencils? Pens!
7)60s, 70s, 80s, 90s? 80's!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Best of Times!!!!!!!!!!! :)
8)Dog or Cat? Cat!!!!! :)
9)Monopoly or Trivial Pursuit? Probably neither, but if I "have" to pick, I would say Trivial Pursuit! I was always horrible at monopoly!
10)CBS, ABC, NBC? ABC b/c of Desperate Housewives and Grey's!!!!! CBS would be a close 2nd, though! And, nowadays, there are a lot of cable channels I really like! :)

Wow, I finally did a list!!!!! I am pretty proud right now!!!! :)
Hope everyone is having a good week! :))

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Ohio State Fair!!!!!

Fun Day At The Fair!!!

Jacob loves trains and enjoyed this Thomas the Train exhibit! :)

Jackson and Jerod loved the super slide! Jerod is on the left and Jackson is on the right!

My dad did chin ups at the Marine Corp Challenge!!! He did TEN, THAT'S RIGHT, TEN chin-ups! The crowd was cheering him on!!! Only two other men besides my dad could do ten!!! :) And, the other two men who did ten, were young while my dad is 58!!!!! GO, DAD!!!! We were sooooo proud!!!! :)

Jerod and Jackson having fun!

Jackson cooling off!!! It was sooooo hot!!!!

Jerod and I had a blast on this ride! Jack wouldn't ride it at first 'cause he was afraid it would make him sick! But he rode it the 2nd time around! This is the only ride I ended up riding, but it was totally worth it!!! :) It goes in a circle sooooo fast that everyone to your right ends up squishing you!!!! :) Can ya tell I was enjoying it?!!! LOL!!!!

This is the 2nd time around w/Jackson! I am telling you, my whole right side hurt the next day!!!

Jerod, Jackson and I enjoying ice cream and seeing the famous cow made out of butter! Go, Ohio, #1 Swiss Cheese Maker!!!!! :)

Jerod and Jackson goofing off!

Every great day must eventually come to an end!
But, man, what a fun day!!!! :)

What a great day we all had at the Ohio State Fair! We hadn't been in about three years, so we had a real nice time! My mom and dad joined us and by the afternoon took Jacob home so we could stay and enjoy the big kids! It might sound sad that Jacob had to leave, but he actually wanted to go (it was his idea) and he had more fun being the "only" child w/Gramps and Gramsey! He ended up staying the night w/them and we ended up staying at the fair until eleven!!! Jack and Jerod had a fabulous time and it was sweet watching them! Jerod stayed the night again (this is his third time), but we love him, he is a sweetheart! Today two other boys came over and joined Jack and Jerod, plus I picked up Jacob! Stop and think for a moment (well, some of you have probably experienced it, so you know firsthand), but a house with "FIVE" boys!!!!!! Needless to say, a little wild!!!! But, soooooooo worth it!!!!!! They are all good kids!!!!!!
Fun weekend! Fun friends! Fun family time! Fun food! The list goes on!!!!!!! :)
I just also have to add on a more "serious" note! While at the fair, I ran into two little boys who had down syndrome. I saw them both at separate times! The one little boy was sitting beside me and kept putting his precious little hand on my leg! It was the sweetest thing! He had no idea who I was, but felt comfortable enough to almost lay his head on my shoulder! On top of seeing these two little boys, I also saw a young man who was probably anywhere from 16 to 20 or so! He was mentally handicapped! He stopped and said hi to me! Then, if that weren't enough, I also pass an older gentlemen (60's) and he was mentally handicapped as well. I probably am not making sense right now but, it was just really powerful!!!! It makes ya stop and think!!!! It was like seeing three generations, back to back - the little boys, the teenage boy and the older man! I guess it felt like God wanted me to see them! Like he was talking to me in some way! Does that make sense?! Anyhoo, it felt powerful to me! I wasn't gonna blog about it, but it felt like I was meant to! :) Oh, and also, I met a man (I was taking a break while the kids rode more rides). I got a horrible migraine from being in the sun. I had to take my medicine and take a break and ended up talking to a grandpa (there with his two grandkids). He was also taking a break, but wait till ya hear this!!!!! He had a prosthetic leg!!!!! From just below the knee his leg was gone! I had never seen a "fake" leg up close like that before! We got to talking and he took his leg off and showed it to me and how it worked and all! Plus, I find this amazing, but he had just lost his leg this past March!!!!! Who would think that 5 months later he would be walking at the Ohio State Fair!!!!! Amazing!!!!! I thoroughly enjoyed my conversation with him!!!! I guess I am feeling like God sometimes puts people in our lives - if only for a moment - for a reason! Maybe to remind us of something, or maybe, something we need to learn! Or maybe, simply to bring us back to him!!!!
Anyway, I had a great day and so did the kids!!!!! :) And Mark got to go golfing at Foxfire for FREE today on top of it all!!!! Can't beat that!!!!!
More blogging to come!!!!!! :))
Have a good week!!!!!!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Meet The Robinsons

Just have a quick moment to blog, but wanted to send out a "Wha'Sup" to my fellow bloggers!!! LOL! :) First off, I wanted to say "Thank You" to everyone involved in the "Summer Nights for Kidz" at Pickaway Church of Christ! I know a lot of people helped in the planning and did a lot of work to make it nice! And.........I hope you know your efforts paid off!!!! It was a really nice turnout and a really nice time! My boys had a blast! :) Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication and for inviting my family to be a part of it!!!!! :) It was so nice for me to see my fellow bloggers in person!!! LOL!!!
Okay, second of all, has anyone got to see the movie "Meet The Robinsons?" My mom and I took the boys to see it last week (it was one of our mystery trips). I thought the movie was decent (kind of longer than I would like for kids). I don't understand why they make some of these movies soooooo long for children! That discussion is for another day! LOL! Anyway, the movie was decent, but the end was my absolute favorite part!!! The last ten minutes totally captured my attention and brought tears to my eyes!!! Plus, on top of that, they played a "Rob Thomas" song at the end called "Little Wonders." Now I am gonna have to download that song or heck, buy the Rob Thomas CD!!!! :) I am telling you, the song was powerful! I loved it!!!!! Has anyone else heard it? Let me know.
Well, I gotta sign off! Jerod (Jack's cousin) is spending a second night here and we are planning on Alum Creek for tomorrow! Fun, but loooong day! :)
Thanks again for the Friday night fun for the kiddies!!! We truly enjoyed ourselves!!!!! :)

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Gracie Girl!!! :)

Just had to post the latest pics I took of our Gracie girl!!!! :) She is walking all over the place and growing up sooooo fast!!!! She is a sweetie!!! :) She looks sooooo much like Heath it isn't funny!
I hope everyone is having a fun summer! It sure is busy, but lots of fun!!! My mom and I have started a thing for my boys called "Mystery Trips!" We surprise them! They know we are going somewhere, but they have "no clue" where that might be! One week it was Chuck E Cheese, one week a movie, one week a cool park, etc....sometimes we even do more than one thing. It is pretty fun!!!! :) We want to continue doing it throughout the year!
My week is going much better than last!!!! Thank you all for your caring words and thoughtfulness! It means a lot to me!!!!
One more thing - did anyone watch the new show on TBS called "Saving Grace?" I taped it, but haven't watched it yet. I just wondered if it was any good or not! Let me know! Holly Hunter stars in it, so I would think it would be good, but ya never know anymore! :)
Take Care and more later!!!!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Top Ten Things That Bring Me Joy!

This week's top ten was so appropriate for me - you have no idea! :) I am having a bit of a hard week than normal. It is embarrassing to admit, but I have a very hard time dealing w/the start of the school year! And, I was hoping, my OCD and worry about it wouldn't start until, at least, mid-August, but no such luck! It has begun NOW!!!! I wish I didn't get this way! It is a horrible feeling. I worry about things that are really not that important, but my mind sort of twists it into something more! I think I definately don't like school. I didn't like it when I was there and I don't care for it now. My sister reminded me that Jack does like school more than I did. I can't put my finger on it exactly. I can't put it into words to describe. I just get this awful feeling in my mind and the beginning of school seems to bring it on! I am trying to put it all into perspective and realize that it always ends up okay! I usually worry for nothing! I am definately praying for the Lord's guidance and to see me through this. For as ridiculous as it may sound, it really, truly can be life-altering! And...............I don't want to live my life this way! It is not me! I want to have fun! I want to be happy! I want to have joy!!!!! I don't want to worry about silly little things or people, who in the long run, aren't that important to my life! I know who the important people are and they are the ones that should have my attention! My 100% attention!!!! These people are, of course, my family and my friends! I just wish I knew why I get like this. I just think that people can be unthoughtful. People get mad at me for such little insignificant things! I could handle it better if I really did something wrong! But, in my experience, more often than not, I get the silent treatment for doing something dinky! Anyway, I had just had to right it down in the hopes that it might make me feel better! Please say a prayer for me! Thank you soooo much! I don't want my children to have a crazy mother!!! LOL!!! :)
Sooooo, this is why this week's top ten was a good match for me! I need to remind myself of all the joy I have around me! I don't want to miss the joyous things I am surrounded by due to obsessing on some stupid issue! I want to rise above it and realize that I do the best I can and that is all I can do! And, in a nutshell, give any problems or issues I have to God! Let him fight it out for me and show me the way! :)
Thanks for listening!

Top Ten Things That Bring Me Joy!!!!!!!!!!!
1)My Boys! They can be a lot of work, but I wouldn't trade it for the world! I sometimes think I learn more from them than they do me! :)
2)Pictures and Photography! I get such joy from getting and taking pictures! It is especially a good (joyous feeling) when "I" am the one who took the picture that is simply "fabulous!" And it is fun to try new things and get people's reactions! :)
3)Mark! I sometimes forget (we have been married for soooo long) how important a part in my life that he plays! He has a good sense of humor and helps remind me what is and what is not important in life! :)
4)Going to my favorite places (such as the zoo or Schiller Park). I call them my calming places! Seeing nature in its fullness reminds me that God is near! :) I usually take a moment to stop and look around and soak it all in! :)
5)My family and friends! These are the people who make me feel good about myself and they are there for me! :) They truly bring such joy!
6)Blogging! I love it! It is so nice to write my feelings and stories and also to read everybody elses! I look forward to it every day (well, sometimes I check it several times a day)! LOL! :)
7)Helping others! This gives me a good, joyous feeling b/c I know I did something good! And, I have found, that what goes around comes around. This is not why I do it, but I think you do reap the rewards of what you put out there! :)
8)Shopping! Even when I don't spend money I truly enjoy being there! I think I like to be around people! It is amazing how many nice and fun people there are that you meet! I will, more often than not, always talk to, at least, one person every time! I like the atmosphere, too! I enjoy getting out and just walking around! :) Don't laugh at me, but.............I always try and smile and I hope that, maybe, just maybe, I helped someone else who might have been having a bad day themselves! Sometimes a smile is all it takes! :)
9)Watching TV or the movies! It is fun to lose yourself in someone's life! And, some of these TV/movie shows............the people have to go through such hard or funny makes me feel better about myself! LOL! (Even if it is just pretend that I'm watching). :)
10)Trying to focus on the positive! I get joy by getting something accomplished! And, believe me, I am pretty sure I have ADD, so finishing a project or even getting started is a big deal. And it feels soooo good when I complete it also! At this point in time, I have several little projects that need to be worked on. By doing this week's top ten, I am now motivated to start working on them once again! So.............thank you, Emjaye, for that! :)) And this top ten has also helped me focus on the positive things after a hard couple of days! Thank you for that also! :)
Btw, I think I actually kinda slipped in "two" answers on my #10. One is staying positive and two is finishing a project! Oh well. They kind of go together anyway! :))

On a separate note, I taped the movie "The Break-Up" starring Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Aniston. I had always wanted to see it and never got a chance to. It came on HBO so I taped it and just watched it last week. Let me know if any of my fellow bloggers have seen it?! I must say, I really liked the entire movie...................................except that is, for the end!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What was up w/that???!!! I didn't like the way it ended at all!!!!!!
Cissa Says: Two thumbs up for the movie over all!
Two thumbs down for the ending! I think they could do better than that!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Ten Things That Make Cissa Smile! :)

I just have to say how much I am enjoying these wonderful summer days!!!! I wish they would never end!!! It is absolutely, without a doubt, 100%, my favorite time of year!!!!! I guess it goes without question that this weeks top ten fits in perfectly w/my favorite time of year!!! :) What makes Cissa smile?! I have to warn ya - it doesn't take much!!!! LOL!!! :)
Here goes (in no particular order):

1)Jack and Jake - my boys!!!! Becoming a mother is the best thing I ever did! :)
2)Gracie (my niece)! She is the cutest thing there ever was! :)
3)Pictures! Taking pictures and getting pictures from others (and developing the pics I have taken)! I swear I get a "rush" when it is time to develop them! I don't need drugs 'cause developing pictures gets me high!!! LOL! :)
4) Movies and my TV shows! I have certain TV shows that I just love to watch! And, yeah, I am soooo happy going to the theater! :)
5)Summertime! I feel free and not on a schedule! :)
6)Going to the zoo! I always smile when I am there! :)
7)Seeing a newborn baby! I always smile when I see a new little one! What a precious sight to see! :)
8)A rainbow! It is so rare and beautiful! I always smile when I see one! :)
9)My dad's jokes! He has told them a million times, but they still make me laugh every time! :)
10)Mark! He can make me smile (but, then again, he can also make me frown)! LOL! :)

And, of course, good friends and family are also included! That goes w/out saying! :)
Good night!

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Top Ten Chips!

Where have all the bloggers gone???!!! I feel bad 'cause I haven't been blogging as much, either, but I am really missing reading everyone's! :) I just wanted all my blogger buddies to know that I miss ya!!!!! I am looking forward to a time when we are all less busy and can blog more often!!!! :) I hope everybody had a nice holiday week! It comes and goes so quickly anymore! We went to Grange and watched Red, White and Boom from the garage roof! It was a fun time w/some friends and family!!!! We also went to the zoo (again) and had a great time there as well. I know I say it all the time, but I find the zoo to be very calming! I feel good when I am there and enjoy it tremendously!!!! There is always something new to see when we are there. Yesterday was no different! We made friends w/an orangutan!!! He didn't seem to want us to leave (no one else was around except for Mark, the boys and I). When we started to leave, he came running back over and got as close to us as he could! It was too sweet! I, of course, was talking to him as if he were a person! :) Anyway, it was a fun time and the animals were adorable, too! :) We never made it to the Ashville festivities this year! It sounds like it was fun, also, as usual!!! I missed the fish fry and those yummy fair french fries they always have!!!! I guess that means I am gonna have to go to the OSU fair this year in order to get some!!! We don't always make it to that, either! I would like to try and go this year, if we can! :)
Okay, now, on to my top ten for the week! Chips!!!!!!!!! Yumm-ooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1)FunYuns (they are smelly, but, oh, so gooood)!
2)Cool Ranch Doritos (smelly, also, but I love 'em)!
3)Mini Rice Cakes (Quakes) - Ranch or Cheddar Cheese! Regular rice cakes, I do not like, but these mini ones are pretty good!
4)Cheetos - I have to be in the mood for them!
5)Baked Lays - Cheddar Cheese
6)Salt & Vinegar Lays
7)Chex-Mix - Cheddar (I eat the other flavors, too)!
8)Cheese Puffs (I have to be in the mood for these, also)!
9)Pretzels (Kroger Twists)!
10)Gardettos Pretzels (Deli-Style Mustard)
Wow! I actually thought of ten!!!! WooHoo! I counted pretzels b/c they are usually in the chip section and I truly eat pretzels more often than chips anyway! :)
This was a fun list to do!!!! :)
Enjoy the pics from our zoo trip!!!!! :)

Sunday, July 01, 2007


Jackson Tyler and Jacob Collin

Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy 4th of July!!!! Have a safe and fun holiday week!!!! :)

Saturday, June 30, 2007

A Person I Would Love To Meet!

Hey blogger buddies! This one is gonna be quick b/c they are getting ready to show the fireworks here in Grove City! I gotta go and make sure my boys can see them! We don't get a real good view from our house so I usually walk down the street a little ways where you get a slighty better view! :) Anyway, I just had to add one more person to my Tuesday Top Ten list (people I would love to meet who are no longer living). Actually, I must admit, I had a little help from Mark on this one. I asked him who he thought would be someone on my list..........and, boy was I impressed w/his answer! All I can say is.............he knows me well!!!!! :) I would love to meet Mary!!!!! The mother of Jesus!!!!!!! How cool is that?! How cool would that be?!!!!! She raised boys and me having two boys............I just feel that, maybe, we would relate!!!! And, oh, so many questions would I have!!!!!! How did it feel being the mother of Jesus???!!!!!!! I am gonna stop 'cause I could go on and on!!!!! But, she definately is at the top of my list!!!!!

So, I gotta run, but three down and seven to go!!!!! LOL!!!!! If I ever even truly finish!!!! But, I am gonna try!!!!
Happy 4th of July!!!!!!!!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

If Only!

Man, I feel like I haven't blogged in FOREVER!!!!! It is a sad day when Cissa is coming up empty w/not much to say! LOLOLOL! :) I do have a "slighty" funny "dr." story that I will be blogging about soon! It isn't as funny as some as my previous ones, but still worth mentioning, so be on the lookout for it!!! As for now, I am blogging about the Top Ten Tuesday list and ten people we would love to talk to who are no longer living! I think it is a great top ten! I am, however, still in my "brainfreeze" stage, so for the moment, I have only come up with two people! There are definately more, but I wanted them to be "right" so I am not rushing it. I figured I would blog them as they came to mind. Soooooo, on that note, the first two people to come to mind are:
1)Steve Irwin- The Crocodile Hunter! I absolutely loved this man! He was sooooo passionate about animals and probably inspired (even more) my love for the zoo as well. He truly loved and cared about wildlife and I think his show was wonderful for children! He also seemed like a genuinely good man who loved his family! I would love to be able to have met him and say I knew him! For the record, there was a contest to name the new "Wyandot Lake" that the zoo now owns. I submitted a "name" to be entered into the contest! I haven't been telling people 'cause I'm sure there were a lot of nominations, but I just looooove my own nomination! Not b/c I am braggy and think I am all that or my idea is all that, either! LOL! You guys know that I am not like that! I simply love it b/c I named it in honor of Steve Irwin!!!! Neat, huh?! Steve always seemed to say "Crikey!" That word has become well known b/c of him! :) Sooooooooo, my name is simple and sweet and in honor of him! "Crikey Island!" :) Now, stop laughing! I had other ideas, but felt that it would be soooooo nice to name our new waterpark after him - mainly since it is owned by the zoo! I thought about Jack Hanna and honoring him in some way, but it felt more right to name it after Steve! Oh, well! I wanted to tell you all this to show why I chose Steve as one of my "top ten" people to talk to! I am a huge fan and think he left the world waaaaay too soon! His memory will stay alive in his family, especially his daughter (she now has her own show)! I just have to say that for someone who I never met - he certainly touched my soul! :)
And now for #2)my cousin, Michelle! She passed about two years ago this past February! She was only 38 yrs. old and also left us way too soon! I hadn't spoken to her in a couple of yrs. before she died, but still cared for her dearly! I have many memories of growing up with her. It would be nice to be able to talk to her one last time! You see, that is the thing! You never know when it "might" be the "last" time we get to talk to someone in our lives! I, for one, usually assume that there is always tomorrow! I am learning that it just isn't so! From this, I am also learning to try and have a positive attitude! I don't want to be annoyed or upset with people - I want to be happy! I don't want there to be any regrets! I want to treat people kindly so I will know that "if" it is the "last" time I get to talk to them - then, that is okay 'cause it was good! :) Okay, I am rambling now and probably not making sense! LOLOLOL! It would just be nice to see Michelle and tell her I love her!
Sooooooo, these are the first two people on my list! Sure, there could be past Presidents and people in history to list, but they aren't the first two on mine! There are many, many important people, but they just didn't feel "right" to me! That is what makes people so interesting! We are all so different and what is "right" for one person may not be "right" for another! :) I love that! I love reading and learning about others! I hope you all enjoy "my two cents worth" and aren't totally "bored" by now! LOLOLOL!
So, that is two down and "8" more to go!
Stay tuned! :)

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Peeing In the Pool - Not Cool?!

Wow! I have a story and, I must say, it made Mark, Jackson and me laugh a LOT!!!! :) I hope it brings a little smile to you all, too!!! :)
So, the boys and I decide to go to Alum Creek yesterday. Our city pool, the Big Splash, has been closed all week. We have a summer pass and should be there soaking in the sun and splashing in the waves, but no, it has to close during the hottest week of the summer!!! Stinks, big time!!!! All we know is that it is closed due to mechanical problems. I do know that a couple of years ago the Powell pool had to close down for a week due to someone "pooping" in the pool. Usually when someone (a kid, I hope) poops in the pool, it only shuts down for about a half hour. At the Powell pool, however, it must have been more severe and the "poop" must have gotten into the pipes or somewhere like that 'cause it had to close for that whole week!!!! So, who knows what "mechanical problems" really means!!!! LOL!!! :) I will let ya know if and when I hear anything more! LOL!!! :) Sooooooooooo, my kids have been playing in the sprinkler and our little "baby" pool, but are getting very tired of it. They want to swim soooooo bad, but where do I go??!! There are some other public pools such as "Ted Lewis or Reynoldsburg," but they all cost money and........are far to travel. I didn't mind traveling, but it just didn't feel right paying when we already have a summer pool pass. So...........................the kids finally decide that "Alum Creek" would be a fun to place to go and it would be FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is far, but "free" beats "far" any day!!!!!! :) So, we head off yesterday afternoon and Mark meets us there after work. We had a great time and I totally recommend it for an afternoon of fun in the sun!!!!! Deer Creek works, too!!!! :) Now here comes the funny story part! I never "pee" in the "real" pool or let the boys do it, either! :) However, here we are at the lake, and the water is all "dark and gloomy" anyway and the restroom is soooooooo far away from where we are!!!! :) Well, Jacob says he has to "pee." I am sitting and taking a little rest at this point. I tell him to go and "pee in the lake!" For his part, he is like, "huh?!" He knows this isn't something he is usually allowed to do. So..........he makes sure I realize that he has to pee by telling me again. And, again, I say, it's okay and go pee in the lake!!!! (Btw, Mark and Jack aren't too far away standing at the waters edge). So...........Jacob walks into the water and, meanwhile, I notice a "cool" jetskier flying by. When I happen to look back at Jacob (a second later) he is standing in the water - only up to his ankles - and he has pulled the front of his trunks down just enough for his "private part" to hang out and there he is with a stream of pee flowing out!!!!!!!!! LOLOLOLOL!!!!!!! :)) I yelled his name and, of course, Mark and Jack look and we all start laughing our heads off!!!!!! In retrospect, Jacob did exactly what I asked him to do! I said go pee in the lake and he did! He is only four and had no clue that I meant to put your "butt" in the water and pee through your trunks!!!!!! Too funny! I only wish I had it on film!!!!! :) Mark, Jackson and I thought it was hysterical!!!!! Lucky enough, there weren't many people around us at that particular moment, either!!! first truly funny summer story!!!!!! Thanks, Jacob, for making us laugh and being such a good little boy!!!!! He showed us that he listens to what we say and does what we tell him, also! What more can a mother ask for?! :)

Oh, and I have some pictures to post later from our day at Alum Creek (ya'll know I need Mark to help me)! LOL! Stay tuned!!!!! :)